Friday, 31 July 2015

Lets get right in to it..

so this must be about my millionth attempt at blogging but iv recently thought to myself 'you know what?' I'm going to actually try stick at it this time!'

 i already have a youtube channel which iv been doing for some quite time now which is based around mental health, which you can check out here - and i guess i just want to start writing about more than just mental health so why not.

my aim of this blog is to talk about mental health but also talk about the things i love and the things i love doing etc. like beauty hair and home life.

whoever may be reading this may be wondering why iv called my blog ' young and free ' and to be honest i just like the name but at the same time i am young, As im only 20 and im also free from everything bad that has happened to me within my life which i will explain in a later blog post so i feel its quite fitting.

i look forward to sharing things with people and i hope whoever may be reading this will also enjoy the content that i will slowly be writing.

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